Crabs by Kenley Jones (featured on Doodlewash blog)

Day #328, 329, 330, and 331 of the 365 Days of Art are on Priorhouse blog - here.

For Day #332, I wanted to share a featured artist from DoodleWash blog
GUEST ARTIST: Kenley Jones - “A Long Break Brings A New Perspective” by 

 Kenley Jones says: 

"My style now, is that my watercolor is sort of tight and detailed. One of my most treasured pieces is the “Blue Crab on a Pier”.  The outcome was what I was striving for, and all of the stippling was well worth it.   I love trying out new techniques that I learn.  I am still in the beginning stages of a watercolor artist, so I love learning new things.  And anything that I learn, I love to pass on as well."

Read more here