Studebaker Avanti

Day #307 of the 365 Days of Art: Studebaker car with my friend, K.

Now a little history about this car:

This Studebaker car has been referred to as a "design icon"

In the video (below), you can get a little history about the Studebaker Avanti, which was a huge hit, but was not able to save the company from going out of business. The Avanti was built by some private investors from 1965 until the late 1980s - but when Studebaker released this car in June of 1963 (16 months after the first drawing) it was a big sales hit. Valdes-Dapena noted this car was viewed as a "design icon"and others referred to it as having a timeless design that was innovative for the early 1960s. This was (at the time) America's most advanced automobile with a built-in row bar for safety, seatbelts, auto disco brakes (which was edgy for the time and was almost two years before the Chevy corvette). While the Avanti didn't save Studebaker in the 1960s (their last Avanti was made in December 1963) the aero design and safety features can still be seen in cars today. The Avanti has also been called "America's first 4-Passenger High-Performance Personal Car." 

Here is another video of it: