
Spider Art on Motorcycle

Whale Art on Wood

Bieber Singing Toothbrush Box (Packaging and Art)

Book Cover Art

Z is for Zed (and crab in zen)

Y is for Yellow

X is for X-ray of heart (Heart art from James B of RVA)

W is WWII (Market-Garden air drop)

V is for Vivid (blue and orange)

U is for Understanding

T is for Teapot in the Garden

S is for Seahorse (September 2017 Art A to Z)

R is for River Wall

Q is for Quaint

P is for Painting at Priorhouse

O is for Owls (and snowman)

N is for Numb (and linkin park's numb)

M is for Meow, Meow, Meow

L is for Lesson (preschool spider lesson for fall)

K is for King Kong lunch box

J is for Jazzy

I is for Italy (used artpiece for 20 dollars)

H is for Horse (September 2017 Art A to Z)

G is for Guys (Asian Relief)

F is for Face paint (September 2017 Art A to Z)

E is for Early Education (September 2017 Art A to Z)

D is for Dancer (September 2017 Art A to Z)

C is for clock and Cody (September 2017 Art A to Z)

B is for Big Bug (September 2017 Art A to Z)

A is for Aura (September 2017 Art A to Z)