Birds, cats, peeps (Wall Art 1)

For day #260 of the 365 Days of Art- and to start Week 38 in this year of art.... I wanted to share wall art.

I almost cropped this photo to only show the birds - but all the extras were interesting. Take a look. We have cats, photos of people, and even some images of buildings. 

Oh- and I took this photo because it reminded me of a book I finished earlier this year, called Avian Friends (here). I am thinking about making a painting to celebrate the book.

I am actually thinking about making a piece of art to go with each book I finish in the upcoming years. Not sure how many book projects I will get to (and keep in mind that most of my book endeavors are informal, short works and so I will likely finish a good number), but this wall of bird art gave me ideas for my Avian Friends book. 

And so did this next piece... from Japanese Artist Ohara Koson - oh yeah.... 

Have a great day and looking forward to sharing more "wall art" this coming week.