Lady Looking at Art and a Parrot (At the Art Show - Six)

This is the sixth blog post for the "At the Art show Series" - and today I bring you a little dimensional fun with a lady looking at art through a window, as I captured my photo of her through a different window.  

She looks on, as does the parrot, and the art is all lined up in the center for us - with the negative space cutouts to the front and some abstracts through the far window (and a little color in the middle).

Day #203 of the 365 Days of Art

In the second photo, we have a lady entering our frame.  For some reason, her eyeglasses stood out to me - seems like the larger frames are coming back in style.  I like her glasses (for her) but I really hope those extra large frames are NOT coming back in style.  You know, the large eyeglass frames  that were "in" during the 1980's - the enormous ones.... yuck. 

Well... such is the cycle of fashion - and the good news is that no matter what is "in" - we can still wear what we want - we do not have to embrace every fad that comes and goes.  

And now it is time for me to go - see you tomorrow with some circle art. 
