Boats - Easy Going Days....

E. Schruff (Date Unknown)

Thought for the day:
Sometimes life brings us calm and easy days.  
The above watercolor reminds me of an easy going day....  where things are just fine and everything flows with a nice pace. 

Do you see the curve of the sail on the boat to the front?  That bent curve suggests a bit of easy motion - a nice groove  as that boat caught a little wind (where the other three boats are still - especially the back two) - but the front boat did not catch too much wind.  Just enough maybe??? 

I actually had a couple of these easy going days this week - they are a gift.  

I hope you have had some of them in your life recently.  

I am sure some folks have these type of days often while others need some lighter days to breeze their way right now - and so for you - I pray for strength - peace  - and comfort..... 

Be encouraged. 

That is all for Day 99 of the 365 Days of Art....