Yoga Comics (October is National Yoga Month)

To celebrate National Yoga Month - here are some yoga comics.

And by the way, if you are thinking about trying out yoga, many studios offer free classes during this national yoga month - so call around some local studios and get some options.

One more reason to start practicing yoga is for injury prevention.  

The practice of yoga can help you cultivate a body that is more resistant to injury and more resilient overall. 

In closing, here is a photo of one of my favorite yoga teachers, Jenni, who is on the right). This photo was taken last summer after we went to a yoga class and then out for  a Thai food dinner.  Talk about a fun girl's night out - exercise and healthy food - pretty win-win. 

So let me ask you - if you have not tried yoga - or have not tried it for a long time - why not make this month the time to give it another try?  

I am sure glad I gave yoga another try - because I am the better because of it. 

The time you invest in doing yoga will enrich your body, mind, and spirit!  

