Magnesium is a topic I have studied a lot this year. I encourage you to read more and more about it because I think it is crucial to wellness.
One of my favorite docs, Dr. Sircus (here), frequently posts informative articles about magnesium and this week he wrote the article I am sharing in this post (with all credit given to Dr. Sircus and his amazing work, which he coined as Natural Allopathic Medicine).
~~~~ Here is the article ~~~~
There is no healing system more powerful than that which employs Nature’s primordial substances; materials so pure and close to nature that they yield benefits without the typical side effects of most drugs. The secret to safe and effective medicine is found in using medicinal substances that do not have side effects in reasonable doses. This is the very meaning of safe, something that will not harm or hurt you.
I received a letter from a professional colleague named George Eby in 2007 that stated that his daughter was destroyed by the terrible side effects of a special type of antibiotic called fluoroquinolones. He said,
“My daughter was stricken with this horrible affliction. Cipro sensitivity causes long term (multiple years to life) chronic pain, weakness and tendon weakness leading to tendon breakage and many other horrible effects, some physical and some mental. This is something that everyone needs to know about. We have been destroyed by cipro. I don't think there is much anyone can do, except to give her magnesium, which is somewhat of an antidote. I am very worried but I haven't lost hope, but I am being realistic. Some of the tendon damage is necrotic and permanent. However, we have studies with rattlesnake venom that produce necrosis on animals and simply applying magnesium (chloride) and zinc (gluconate) topically, the necrosis vanishes.” Ten days later I received this email from George.
“Topical magnesium chloride for 10 days = well daughter!”
There is a power and a force in magnesium chloride that cannot be equaled anywhere else in the world of medicine. There is no substitute for magnesium in human physiology; nothing comes even close to it in terms of its effect on overall cell physiology. It goes against a strong gale wind of medical science to ignore magnesium chloride used transdermally in the treatment of any chronic or acute disorder.
The Heavy Guns of Magnesium
In the emergency room medicines have to be safe while delivering an instant life saving burst of healing power. Magnesium obviously is the heavy weight champion in this regard though there is a terrible ignorance about this fact. It’s like medical hypnosis; doctors cannot see what is in front of their very eyes. They have a medical super weapon that unfortunately no one can make much money off, so it’s not supported in the literature or in medical schools. Talking about the blinding light of conflict of interest, in the area of medicine it kills millions. In the area of magnesium medicine there is a mountain range of scientists who have for decade’s penetrated magnesium’s secrets. There are four hundred references in my eBook “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy”, the majority linking to original medical research.
Magnesium is life saving and that is power. It is as simple as that! Magnesium has the power to reduce human suffering in a wide variety of clinical situations. Results of a 10-year study published in the August 28, 2008 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine found that magnesium sulfate administered to women delivering before 32 weeks of gestation reduced the risk of cerebral palsy by 50 percent.[ii] The Beneficial Effects of Antenatal Magnesium Sulfate (BEAM) trial was conducted in 18 centers in the U.S., including Northwestern Memorial, and is the first prenatal intervention ever found to reduce the instance of cerebral palsy related to premature birth. Magnesium sulfate is traditionally used in obstetrics to stop premature labor and prevent seizures in women with hypertension.
Obviously if a medicine is safe and strong enough for emergency situations it is going to help us with chronic diseases. The field of cardiology has to deal with heart disease as both an acute and chronic disorder and that is just one more reason they should fall heads of heels in love with magnesium chloride. Magnesium is truly astounding in terms of safety, low cost and proven effectiveness.
Put in the clearest terms possible, our suggestion from the first day for cancer patients is to almost drown oneself in transdermally applied magnesium chloride. George Eby used on his slight daughter approximately one ounce applied to the skin a day.
Magnesium is life saving, it is as simple as that.
How to treat Magnesium Deficiency?
First I would suggest that you get a copy of “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy”, so you can learn more about this revolutionary method of bringing your magnesium levels up. I recommend the use of magnesium chloride over any other form. I also recommend to use magnesium oil and apply it transdermally to skin in massage or baths as opposed to taking oral tablet which take too long and have to go through the digestive tract first where many problems can affect absorption.
If it irritates your skin at first, dilute it half and half with spring water till you get more used to it. You can also use it in baths, but the bath flakes are more economical for this.....and you can alternate the baths with the body applications.If you can get someone to give you a massage with magnesium oil this is a wonderful way to obtain even more benefits.
Although a person take months to correct a deficiency in magnesium, the benefits of supplementation can be noticed in the first few days of its use. Next after transdermal magnesium chloride I prefer the use of a liquid form taken orally, but these might cause diarrhea that limits the purpose of taking the magnesium to raise up levels.It is possible to raise levels even more by using magnesium oil on the skin and by taking it in orally indrinking water. Simply spray a few sprays into a glass of water (5-10 sprays/glass of water) and drink it.If this causes diarrhea cut back on the amount put into the water.....just do this once a day along with the spraying on the skin, bath or footbath use.
Magnesium oil does not require specific dosages as any excess used will be excreted by healthy kidneys (unless someone goes way off base in taking/using too much).
Combining Oral with Transdermal
One of the most luxurious medical treatments on earth is to receive magnesium massages on a consistent basis. Having at least an ounce of what is called magnesium oil rubbed all over one’s body by either a trained or even untrained massage therapist is simply heavenly. One can also do this oneself meaning cover one’s body all over with the magnesium oil like one would sunscreen and go out in the sun and have some fun.
Another method of administration is pouring magnesium chloride into ones bath at high concentrations and soak in a hot tub, perhaps with a cup of sodium bicarbonate in it. On page 201 of my Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book I recommend 2-8 oz (56, 6 -226, 4 g) of Magnesium Oil for a full body bath (ca 100liter). These initial recommendations for baths were very low. My excuse is the inexperience of the early days of transdermal magnesium therapy and also that here in Brazil we don’t have a bathtub so my experience has been with body spraying and magnesium massage. I am now recommending much higher dosages for baths ranging anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds to even six pounds for professional use in clinics and spas.
A third avenue of administration is to simply drink magnesium chloride in ones water or juice. The best way is to combine one of the transdermal routes with oral[iii] for concentrated doses that achieve maximum therapeutic effect.
Each spray of Magnesium Oil contains approximately 18 milligrams
of elemental magnesium.[iv] An ounce would contain just over 3,300 mg.
Five sprays in a glass of water would thus be almost 100 milligrams.[v]
of elemental magnesium.[iv] An ounce would contain just over 3,300 mg.
Five sprays in a glass of water would thus be almost 100 milligrams.[v]
Three to five to even ten sprays of magnesium chloride in a glass of pure water or juice is an excellent way to take magnesium internally. It assists digestion, counteracts excess acidity in the stomach, and delivers magnesium swiftly into the bloodstream for distribution to all the cells of the body. Minerals like magnesium in ionic liquid form are vastly superior to pill forms. Much more magnesium will get absorbed and absorption will not depend on hydrochloric acid levels.
A sane rule of thumb for magnesium supplementation (not for therapeutic effect) is approximately 6-8 mg/kg (3-4 mg per pound) of body weight per day. That translates into a total dietary magnesium intake of 600 to 900 mg per day for a 200-lb man which is already way above the RDA, about double. With children some researchers indicate that 10 mg/kg/day are appropriate because of their low body weight and increased requirements for growth. Athletes also need more depending on their stress and training levels and we can always adjust upwards when under great emotional stress or when seriously ill.
Our cells are best served when they
are brimming with magnesium reserves.
are brimming with magnesium reserves.
In general, for a large adult, spraying one ounce of Magnesium Oil a day all over the body is recommended for six months to recover cellular levels with that adjusted downward for children depending on their age and size. This coupled with oral intake, especially for adults, is necessary to get the maximum kick out of magnesium. When magnesium levels are at extremely low levels intravenous application is an option and is often necessary in emergency situations. See Magnesium – The Ultimate Heart Medicine for more information on this. Very strong therapeutic magnesium baths yield another level of effect which competes quite handedly with intravenous applications but they are not a substitute for them in emergency situations.
Strong therapeutic foot soaks are another option and are especially important for diabetics who suffer from diabetic neuropathy. Soak the whole body or just the feet in bath water for 20-30 minutes, at a temperature of about 108 degrees The most effective protocol for this therapy is to begin with a daily body or foot bath every day for the first 7 days, (starting at lighter concentrations and building up) then continue with a maintenance program of 2-3 times a week for 6-8 weeks or longer. Sensitive care must be taken especially with children as to dose levels, water temperature and magnesium concentrations. Muscle spasms might occur on rare occasions if one forgets to get out of the tub so it is necessary to supervise children and the length of time they remain soaking in magnesium chloride. All strong reactions like redness in local areas to diarrhea or even muscle spasms are indications to reduce concentration.
~~~~~~ One of my favorite takeaways from today's article:
[i] German research have shown Dead Sea salts have ultimately been the reason for reduced amounts of LangerhansA cells in the epidermis, and conversely salts of sodium chloride were void of any effect at all. (al G. S., 1990 December). Magnesium chloride is also discussed when the topic of dermatitis comes into play as an excellent treatment protocol. The anti-inflammatory result of utilizing hypertonic Dead Sea solution on atopic dermatitis by means of magnesium ions is well known. (al., 2002) Further studies also revealed that the magnesium solution greatly reduced inflammation in allergic contact dermatitis. The study involved five patients with an identified nickel allergy, where magnesium chloride (not sodium chloride) stifled nickel-sulfate induced contact dermatitis. (Greiner J, 1990 November)